
An Engine To Power Telehealth

Our completely customizable software allows you to expand your healthcare business online. We offer a drag and drop interface to build out a DTC telehealth brand.

Bask's vertically integrated primary care platform powers a personalized, end-to-end healthcare experience from diagnosis, to delivery of medication, to ongoing care. Bask's maintains an expansive provider network and nationwide pharmacy distribution centers. We have built a platform that seamlessly connects telehealth, diagnostics, and pharmacy services to provide high-quality, affordable healthcare without the need for insurance.

We provide all the telehealth, ecommerce and pharmacy fulfillment features you need to drive adoption. Skip past developing your own software & meeting strict health data compliance.

What We Do.

It takes 12-18 months to develop your own software. With Bask its less than 90 days. Why take years when you can take days?